Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, January 3, 2011

Consider adoption in 2011

Consider opening your heart and home to a child who NEEDS YOU!


Sub-Saharan Africa Orphan Statistics

  • The total number of orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa is greater than the total number of children in Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Canada and Sweden.
  • There are currently an estimated 53.1 million orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa. Of those children, 30% lost parents to the AIDS epidemic.
  • An estimated 12% of all children in Sub-Saharan Africa are orphans.  Of those children, 5.7 million were orphaned in 2010 alone.
  • There are 28.5 million estimated maternal orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Asia Orphan Statistics

  • There are currently 68.9 million orphans in Asia, giving this region the largest absolute number of orphans in the world.
  • Roughly 6% of all children in Asia are orphans, with 7.7 million orphaned in 2010 alone.
  • In Cambodia, Laos and Korea the prevalence is even higher where 10% of all children are orphans.
  • There are 20.3 million maternal orphans in Asia.   

Latin America Orphan Statistics

  • Roughly 5% of all children in Latin America are orphans (10.2 million in total), with 1.2 million orphaned in 2010 alone.
  • Even before the tragic earthquake in Haiti, over 15% of children were estimated to be orphans, more than twice the regional average.
  • There are 2.5 million maternal orphans in Latin America

Foster Care in the United States

 Approximately 25,000 children age out of the foster care system every year at age 18.
  • 25% of these foster children will become homeless
  • 56% of these emancipated foster care children enter the unemployment ranks
  • 27% of the emancipated male children in foster care end up in jail
  • 30% of the emancipated females in foster care experience early parenthood

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